BMW i Inside Future
A glimpse into autonomous driving.
Premium experiences across a connected platform.
The art of driving has been a constant part of our lives for over a century, evolving from diesel to electric, and from luxurious to sporty. Yet, the advent of autonomous driving technology is set to revolutionize our traditional notions of mobility.
Inside Future is the result of our BMW collaboration for the 2017 CES convention—a ride into the future, where driving is optional, napping is possible, and working productive. We created the Inside Future sculpture to show new ways of interaction between the driver, the passenger and the future vehicle. The aim was to introduce visitors to the brave new world of autonomous cars, reassure their skepticism and offer them a series of interactive experiences that vary from relaxing and entertaining, to productive or social.
We designed a space that is comfortable, beautiful, diverse and connected.
Inside Future is an environment that is able to cover digital needs and relax analogue senses, without distracting them with an army of screens, buttons and controllers. To achieve that, we used the best kind of technology. The kind that becomes invisible when you don’t need it, integrated into the type of environment that feels intuitively human.
We focused on 4 key users tenets: human design, seamless transitions, on/off demand technology and digital/physical harmony.
Us, BMW, and the Future.
We think about the future. A lot. (We got it from our mother company).
The thing that connects us to the BMW Group is our attitude towards the future. We may not always work together, but when we do, it’s on something that’s going to significantly shape products and experiences 5–10 years from now.
Fascination for the future runs very deep in this family.